Anna Berktold

by Anna Berktold


The church bell is ringing right behind him. A deep ringing from the only bell that’s left. It will be the last time he listens to it, for now, at least. He can feel every sound deep in his heart, shaking his soul which is still so young. Too young. It’s an early evening, sadly he has to fulfil his mission. The market square in front of the church seems more a crowd than a market, but whatever. He does not care. With the penultimate chime of the bell he drew his weapon. A mini silent pistol with only one shot left. He looks around, making sure none is watching him. The Villagers are engrossed in their quarrels about too high prices. One deep breath. He closes his eyes.

Now, the last chime. He opens his eyes, concentrates and shoots. A man – the major – falls down the church’s stairs. Luckily his pistol is silent and he perfectly shot with the chime. None could have heard anything. What a luck. But not long and everyone will see.

A lady screams, she points to the dead man with her finger, whose hand is dressed in a white lace glove. Some people run to her. Some start to pray, some turn around or put their hands before their children’s eyes. Everyone reacts as predicted. Everyone, except the chief. He directly stares in his eyes. In his guilty, one blue, one brown eye.

Within seconds the youngster turns around and runs. Runs till the end of the village into the forest. On his way, he knocks over goods stowed in wooden crates and smuggles his way through the ever-increasing number of people. The chief always one step behind him. They reach the woodland edge, where the killer hops above sticks and stones. Only one wrong step, and he would fall and break a bone, or more. But he seems to have the highest control over his body even possible. On the next tree, he made a sharp turn to the left and finally, the chief falls down on a pointed, little rock. He curses a little, but the boy with the pistol can’t hear his words any more, because he runs further and further into the depths of the forest. Always with the hope of not getting lost, finding a way out and not running into a wild animal or worse. In his head always the same thoughts: Run! Run as fast as you can! Run! Don’t rest! Run! And so he runs a long while.

He knows that this world is not meant for him. He belongs somewhere else. But with his last Order done, he could maybe be free forever. Well, he is already free now, but on the run. Not long, and the chief will hire some hunters and volunteers to help him search the murderer and maybe kill him. But the runner won’t think about his end. His only thought is to run into his save haven, wherever that will be. They will try to catch him. So he has to travel beyond the sea, or at least in another country.

But as always, running is his discipline. When he runs, it’s always his victory. Hopefully also this time. Because this time is the first time he runs to save his life. Maybe that’s why he has seemingly endless condition and perseverance. Oh, what a mess. I never planned to kill anyone. I have to run up that hill, beauty may lay behind, and I’m going to find it. Hopefully.

His heartbeat was quick and loud. He could hear it as loud as a lion. Strange was that the forest was silent. And that’s what scared him even more.

© Anna Berktold 2023-06-05

Science Fiction & Fantasy
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