
Jin K

by Jin K


Running. By now, it is a part of my every day vocabulary. Because I am always running. I am running from myself, I am running from the people around me and from every thing that seems off in my little world. The world that I am creating. But nothing is going fast enough. I keep turning and turning but in the end, all I can do is run away from it. But it is tiring to live that way. So instead of running, I turn to typing. I type the same way that I am running. Fast and uncontrolled, making several mistakes along the way. Where I run does never matter to me. Neither is where I run too. I will just change the way things are so that I can deal with it.

Let me paint you a picture of another world. While I might be no good with a paint brush, I believe that I am certainly good at painting with words and melodies. But books are silent to the ignorant, so all that is left is to paint with words. Not in a weird Word-Art way like some people tend to, but in a way of description that opens up another world in such a tiny space.

A world, where I sit at a table in the gentle summer breeze coming through the curtains of the opened window. The house is old and dark, the wood creaking whenever you walk. The faint smell of lemons reaches my nose. I love the smell because it reminds me of a feeling that I cannot describe. Like finding something lost long ago and bringing it back to your home. Like a person that got lost somewhere in time and is on the long journey to come back. The curtains rustle in the soft wind and the light falling through them paints magical sceneries on the wooden floor. Magical as the whole rest of the house, with its old nooks and shelves and the books and bottles filling those. While I watch, I can see the ghosts of many before me. The young lady in the colourful dress is making lunch. I can smell it, but I know that I will never be able to taste it. Everything that is happening is close to me, yet too far to reach. Impossible. But while I watch them, I can feel at peace. Because I see someone who has what they need.

There is this one person whom I adore and when I sit and watch the people in that house, I imagine them being there too. I imagine them having found a place to be themselves, where they can be content. I think, it is time to stop running now. And instead, it is time to create such a place. In the real world.

© Jin K 2023-05-13

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll, Reflektierend