Sapphire Gaze


by EDV


I look into your eyes, the sapphires glisten like ice. I remember thinking I was so wise.

As they cast that pure azure allure toward me, gasping like an abyss, I felt petrified.

In their midst, I spot a glacial lake.

Its verglas conceals your wrath, but it is embroidered with lethal cracks.

From its depths a siren’s song resounds, sweetly intoxicating, bearing the promise of spring.

You are revealed by your grin, it’s a death march masquerading as a celestial hymn, a cutless pushing me to the precipice.

 It is tempting, you know? I could jump and blame it all on you.

From the waters a spell now surfaces, the whispers crawl into my ear,

slowly lulling me to sleep,

as your venom creeps all over me,

seeping into my skin, turning it into sordid tin.

The torment paralyzes my limps, chases all consciousness from my pupils, twists my wrists.

In the mirror-maze of your Sapphire Gaze, I found love, but lost myself.

I’m inebriated by the haze and tired from the chase, yet, I still long for your praise.

Now I fear going insane by begging for another lure to endure.

After months, your Sapphire Gaze remains my masochistic desire.

I should know by now that leaning into it means catching fire.

© EDV 2024-05-19

Novels & Stories
Dunkel, Emotional, Mysteriös, Reflektierend, Dark