Joshua Meng

by Joshua Meng


Maliciously, flying rocks are bundled into a stream of rings that cut deep into the black void. Saturn’s habit of attracting the lowest and least favored people of the universe had been growing since the fights started and developed a rather stunning fellowship of criminals. For almost a century now, dozens of passenger carriers have embarked on a journey to ‘the planet with countless moons’ to witness the annual brawls and battles of Saturn. The carriers differentiated themselves through their cargo. While the fastest and most comfortable ships carried the rich and well advised, the slower and soon to be wrecked ships transported the less fortunate.
In between the criminals sat Cal. He stared down at his hands which held an old picture of him and his family. Old memories and even older times were reflected on his face, as he was ripped out of his thoughts by the ship’s communication system. A clean voice announced: »Five minutes until landing begins on OLI-Station.« An institution that he had only heard rumors about, especially in the last ten days of their trip through the cosmos from his home planet earth. But something that was for certain was the possibility to make coins in this place, which he used to dream about with his family back home. He knew that his absence would definitely weigh on them, but for their plan to work he had to make sure that he was right there at the action. It was a decision which he regretted the second that he smuggled himself on that carrier full of criminals, but the sad truth was, that betting on the annual Saturn Fights winner was the most lucrative opportunity in the whole solar system. Therefore, they had no choice, but to believe in Cal and his abilities.

As the ship began its landing procedure, Cal took a look out of a small window across from him. Being tied down to the seats made it hard to spot anything, but for a small moment, he could catch a glimpse of what was waiting for them in Saturn’s orbit. The arena and its space station hovered right above the outermost rings of Saturn. Their khaki glimmer faded more and more as they approached the OLI-Station and their eyes started to see the collection of rocks that formed the endless expanse of rings.

After their landing, the guards brought Cal and the other prisoners into the arena’s catacombs. It took them several minutes until they arrived at a fairly big room, which had almost as many weapons on the walls as blood stains on the floor. An old but bulky man with no hair and numerous scars on his face already waited for them in the antiquated room.

»Alright, listen carefully you goons. You will fight each other in a one-on-one scenario. The first to die, loses. If you win, you’re on to the second round. Whoever is still alive after the third fight, is free of all charges and gets a first-class flight back home.« Cal’s eyes noticed one outrageously muscular man smiling right at him. He wondered if he already knew something that Cal didn’t. »Once you’re in the arena, there are no rules! The fight starts as soon as your restraints are disabled, and you choose your melee weapon beforehand with me. Additionally, each of you will receive a Photon-Gun, which can be used at any time in fights. But your gun will only have enough energy for one shot. You’ll not be allowed to take your opponent’s gun. Once you’ve shot yours, that’s it! Good luck you dimwits.«

© Joshua Meng 2024-03-28

Novels & Stories, Science Fiction & Fantasy
Dark, Adventurous, Challenging