School suspense

Nasrin Meghdir

by Nasrin Meghdir


“Hands up and turn to the wall bitch!” 

“Please, I have a cat at home”, 

“Rosie shut up!” Sharmi and Lilly yelled simultaneously. 

I couldn’t really see them because tears and snort were running down my face. Good that I did not bring Henry here. 

“Am I the only one crying?”, I squeaked. “Rosie, I will literally kill you”, Sharmi stepped on my foot.

“Enough!”, the masked man yelled at us, the metal of the pistol reflecting on the walls. The room was dipped into the blue lights and waves of the pool and the moon was shining through the window fronts. 

“This is all your fault!”, I whisper-yelled at Lilly. “Mine? You wanted to come here!”

“You wanted to freaking date tattooed Mexican gangsters!” Lilly wanted to say something else but the gun erupting through the humid air stopped her. She let out a scream and I fell to my knees in shock, my hands clasped over my ears. We couldn’t turn around. Were there more guys? Is he targeting one of us right now? He yanked me up by my arm, and now I could see right into his eyes, while the cold metal was almost drilling into my temple.

 “How did you find us?”, he screamed at me and I couldn’t stop the tears from streaming. I tried to catch my breath, “On Reddit”, I stuttered. He halted for a second, but then he squinted his eyes. 

“Do you think this is funny?”, he barked. “No! I swear, we just wanted to roam an abandoned place!” I cried out again.

“Put the guns down.”

I smeared my tears and probably a lot of snort away and for the first time I looked around. It really wasn’t just one guy pointing his gun at us. There were a dozen. A dozen guys, one bigger than the other.

“They broke in”, the ski-masked guy said meekly to the guy entering through the changing rooms.

“Ladies, sit down. There’s no reason to stare at the walls”, he grabbed Lily by her shoulder and led her to the bleachers. I yanked myself out of the guy’s grip and gave him a triumphant stare. He rolled his eyes, but I was already walking behind them to take a seat. 

We looked around the room and I tried to shuffle behind Lara to escape the piercing gaze.

“Ladies, relax! You didn’t know what you were getting yourself into.” 

I nodded and reached for my phone, ready to show him the Reddit threads.

“But since you found us you still have to die.” The phone fell to the floor.

© Nasrin Meghdir 2024-07-03

Suspense & Horror