by Michi Braun
Opening books of clouds in the skies written with waterdust, mist magic and raindrops spilling spells, starlight sealed and sunbeam bound
Reading shadows of fireflies and bumblebees in humble trees, warm rays calligraphing poetry on cold snow pale moon marble ground
Uncountable hills of atomic grains in deserts, randomly arranged like multilayers of harmonious higher frequencies
Wild winds striking wide white sandy strings, celestial harps creating an oasis of microcosmic melodies
Millions of shades swimming in seas of colours, endlessly giving birth to palette-waves of indigo blue beauty and sparkling sunglitter green
The restless surface reflects and connects fairy airy ups and dark deep downs, painting portraits of shadow secrets and angelic luminosities waiting to be seen
Flowers slowly reveal their beauty on equinox day, they’re getting ready for the season’s blooming garden ball
Unfolding silk petals like delicate dresses, waltzing in the arms of atmospheric respiration from morning spotlight til nightblack curtains fall
Decipher moving summer sheep back morsecodes arranged on grass-green growing clover grounds, mumbling moss keeps writing hidden hints on red brick wall runes
And as willow annual ring calendars grow, watch autumn’s smiling pumpkin face bonfires sing silent smoke signal tunes
Oak bark etchings on white winter leafed skeleton trees shining the way, like a lighthouse in wooden cathedrals for devoted fauna and flora affection
Broken branches guard winding deep roots of meltwater rivers on renaissance springtide forest floors, all leading to the one and only right direction
Hands of gods leave geometric fingerprints in fields of wheat, reading the landscape’s surface like a braille dots spelled name
And the day ancient stone giants rise from the ground to stand tall aligned in golden hour solstice circles, a witch’s power will no longer be misunderstood in shame
The alphabet of birds creates meaning as they change their pattern in flight from an A to a V
Like they’re up there to tell us that everything starts with A like analphabetic and ends with V like victory
Read the letters, words and verses on mother nature’s pages of ages, thoughtfully arranged by a wizardous wisdom of a higher force
Respect and interact with those paradisal prophecies trustfully told by the blue planet, infinitely unveiling itself to grant insights to this world’s ways and everything that happens between the falling and rising tides course.
© Michi Braun 2024-06-30