

by Secrecy3000-


>>Why? << his voice was calm. She turned around. >>What do you mean? << He took a step in her direction. >>Why do you always do that? << He grabbed her hand and took the book out of it. >>Because I can see through them. << He laid it on the shelf and made her look in his eyes. >> But you can see without that. Look at your life. You can see everything you want. << She let his hands go and turned away. >>You don’t understand. You will never understand. << >>Then explain it to me, please. << >>It’s like I got the whole world in my hands. Everything that counts. Okay? << She nearly screamed. >>Things that are out of reach for me. For everyone. Things, that beautiful you can’t describe. Things that no one ever has seen. And you can see. You can finally see. For just a moment you can be everything you wanna be. Do you understand? You can do impossible things you could never do in your life. Only because there are some words in a book. And that’s… that’s wonderful. << During her tell she laid her hand on his cheek. >>It’s like a new world, only for you, to live the lives you can never really have. << She sadly smiled at him and grabbed her book before she turned away and left. >>I do understand. << his voice was too quiet to be heard by her.

© Secrecy3000- 2020-07-28
