
She arrived early, so she went to the table on the corner and waited.

In the reflection of the window she could see the disgusting little rolls that were showing on her belly and that rebelliously kept coming out through any space that her blouse gave the smallest opportunity. She felt instantly embarrassed and, cursing her body, she hurried to hide them. But at the same time she realized that nobody, absolutely nobody, was paying attention to that detail.

Everyone was involved in their world. Whether it was sharing a precious moment with their partner, celebrating with a friend, even discussing with a family member or simply wandering in their own thoughts. None of them were actually noticing their surroundings, much less the famous “muffin top” of a young woman.

She looked at her reflection again. This time she focused on her eyes. Full of hope, full of compassion, full of magic. Those same eyes that have cried uncountable tears, have watched undescribable sunsets, have admired breathtaking sights, shine every time she looks at the people she loves. Those perfect eyes are just a glimpse of her beautiful, strong, loving soul.

She looked at her smile. Oh, how she loves her smile. Genuine, contagious, pure. That very same smile that so many times has disappeared, but never fails to come back. That perfect noble smile that represents her heart. Never giving up, never too tired to be there for a friend, never cold, never breaking.

She observed her hands. Instant gratitude. How much have those hands done for her! All the writing and touching, cooking and eating, showering, showing affection, holding hands, even doing surgery. All that in despite of the scars and the dryness in the winter, but they forgave her a long time ago, even without an apology. And not once did she say thanks, until now.

She saw her feet and moved her toes. She always wanted to have smaller feet, cuter feet. But, right now, she didn’t care about it. She just thought of all the times she had danced and jumped and run thanks to those feet. She always took them for granted, without realizing what a blessing they are.

Finally, she understands how magical she is and the perfect miracle her body means. She discovers the beauty, the art and the incredible universe she hides.

© 2023-01-23
