
Nikolett Galambos

by Nikolett Galambos


1  Where do you go when all goes wrong?

2  Whose voice do you hear?

3  Is there an echo, whispering please be strong –

the end of your hurting is near.

5  Why can’t you take just one more step?

6  Leave all you have behind.

7  Sail through the sea and don’t look back,

8  the person you seek has resigned.

9  I want you to stay, but I can’t say,

10 how do I phrase this aloud?

11  You need to be free without having to flee –

12  our feelings were never allowed.

13  You need to be free, and I’ll always see,

14  shades of violet and blue.

15  We shared a dream but there was no gleam,

16  it was not – after all – you.

17  Yet on the mountain peak,

18 though the day is bleak,

19  I find the perfect view.

20  No last wish could ever make my love for her less true.

© Nikolett Galambos 2023-06-25

Novels & Stories