

by Frida_B


Silence is a raw diamond hidden in my heart.

Sometimes she speaks to me but I don’t want to listen…….

I am afraid of her.

Silence tells me the truth about all things that surround me.

I close my inner eyes and ears ……

the truth of silence hurts me too much.

Silence is the mirror of my soul…..

pure, tender, strong, sensitive, and authentic.

My inner silence is named “Tenderness”

and her sister is named: “Love”

They guide me and help me ….. always…..

that’s the secret!

Silence appears like a sun in my body

her warm light touches my eyes

Now I open up them again…….

Fear and solitude are away now!

I rely on my silence, named “Tenderness”

She and her sister “Love”

never leave me alone!


© Frida_B 2022-12-02
