Solo travel

Ana Morais

by Ana Morais


Something about traveling on your own seems oddly desirable to me.

I would love to be able to decide what to do and plan out the entire trip. Or what to eat and which places to visit.

I get to think about life and just let my thoughts arrange themselves, as I go for a walk along the beach or a stroll in a park. I could visit a museum or an art exhibition and just remind myself of how good it feels to be alive.

There is no one to stress me out, no one to tell me what I should do or shouldn’t. It’s just me, myself and whatever beautiful scenery I will surround myself with.

It will be like a reset for myself. So that I can finally learn more about being alone without necessarily feeling lonely. Trying to figure out how exactly to stop worrying constantly about other people’s perceptions but rather finding my own, while traveling.

To recharge my batteries and to relax a little from daily life.

I get to be a whole different person. No one will know who I am. I can be whoever I want to be.

I could kiss a stranger at a club. I could go grocery shopping in a ball gown. I could lie at the beach and read in peace. I could go to a cafe and romanticize my life by listening to music. I could smile at a random stranger and tell them that they look lovely today. I could try out new things and maybe take a pottery class or a painting class. I could sit down at a public piano and play something straight from my heart.

Maybe I could have a little more courage to do the things that I actually want to.

We must all die one day or another. So I should try to enjoy life as much as I possibly can. I don’t know when it’s all over. No one does.

Maybe these memories will stay with me for the rest of my life. Maybe that trip will turn out to be unforgettable and maybe it will help me understand why I’m actually here, what I am supposed to do on this earth and what exactly my mission is.

Well, I don’t know the outcome yet, but I know for sure that I’m already extremely excited. And who knows? Maybe we might meet along the journey….

© Ana Morais 2022-08-29
