Nadezda Petkovic

by Nadezda Petkovic

österreich 2023

Life is quite short, you know ?

It might seem like it is not at times.

People think there is `time` and it appears like a lifetime is not enough for all the precious things this world has to offer. So many books to read, so many places to visit , sightseeing to experience, energies to exchange, love to share, so many emotions and adventures, challenges as well. We come to experience and deal with or not to deal with …but each of us has its own path and its own Karmic Lessons. For one to understand that it might take a while, especially if it is your loved one, family member, or even you want to help, as I wanted for my brother…but I couldn’t fight his battle and come between his destiny. Acceptance is needed.

It is quite interesting how everything combines and flows. Life, even though it is short, is definitely worth living in, and I know you all agree, since you are here, again …

In every life we come to experience everything we need for our growth, for our awareness to expand. The potential of our soul is very strong and even though it is very rare in one lifetime to live it fully, it remains strong and wants to grow, move onto the next level… There is a Spirit inside each of the US.

I once heard a lovely description that represents the depth of the Spirit, as an Ocean, and drops personalities into the Ocean like the Soul. I can relate and imagine it, especially since my brother died. I am an oracle, a psychic and a lot of times I have experienced other dimensions by choice, consciously and unconsciously … I would not tell you about paranormal activities, because in this world everything has a mark and label. Maybe that’s why I had difficulties fitting in …


© Nadezda Petkovic 2024-07-17
