If you read the blurb then you probably want to know what connects all of these seemingly random stories. They don’t seem to be connected by genre, some are written in first, some in second and some in third person. Some stories are more on the realistic side, others are clearly fantasy. Some people have a specific person as a narrator, others are more abstract.
What these stories have in common is what every person and every person’s story has in common: emotions.
Everybody feels emotions and everybody gets influenced by emotions, some more than others. So, in this collection of stories, I chose to tell each story based on a specific emotion.
“Seasons of Change” is a story about sadness, or melancholia, if you will. About a person seeing their hopes and dreams slip away until only the longing for better times remains.
“Tortured souls of Bushwick Manor” is a horror story and, as such, focuses on intense fear, or horror.
“Sunset at the Beach” is about a woman who is happy and elated when she finally gets to visit the beach again.
The story “Lovers to Enemies”, focuses on the guilt that Kilaris feels after betraying someone close to her based on a rumour.
“Make Your Own Destiny” is a story about a girl who shows immense ambition to get adopted, go to school and become someone important.
“A Villain Monologue” is, as the name suggests, a monologue of a person who feels contempt towards humans who let themselves get influenced by emotions (ironically enough).
“Camp Green Lake” focuses on an annoyed teenager who gets sent to summer camp by his parents.
“Godly Conversations” is a story about two gods who talk about humans, where one god shows deep love for them despite their flaws.
And lastly, “Memories Long Buried” is a story about a detective who gets called to a crime scene and gets confronted with intense pain because her twin sister died the same way as the murder victim.
© Sarah Wazlawik 2022-08-29