
Daria Lehmann

by Daria Lehmann


When the weather forecast comes on and they mention a storm, my attention snaps to the TV and I watch and listen to what they have to say. Apparently, there’s gonna be a heavy storm this night with heavy winds, thunder and lightning. I sigh a little, thinking about my girlfriend Nat, who’s a little scared of storms. Usually, she is brave and not scared of anything, but for some reason, storms frighten her. I mean, I don’t mind, it’s cute how she becomes clingy and cuddly, but I don’t like her being scared. Right now, she’s still at university but should be home soon. Around half an hour later, she walks into the living room. Her red hair is messy from the wind and her cheeks are a little red from the cold but she looks okay. I approach her and give her a small welcoming kiss which she returns. “How are you?” I ask. “Good. Uni was okay and I had a fun lunch with my friends. But it’s cold outside and I feel a little outsidey, you know?” She looks at me and tilts her head a little in question. “Not really, but I have an idea what might help.” I laugh and she watches me with her beautiful eyes, waiting for a suggestion. “How about we take a nice, warm shower?” I suggest and she nods and grins before she kisses me. After we’re both clean, we get out of the shower and dry off before we get into comfy clothes. We go into the kitchen to have dinner, which I prepared beforehand. Every few minutes, my eyes look outside to check on the weather. After dinner, I notice Nat looking at the window worried. I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder. “It’s gonna be alright, I’m right here with you and we are safe.” I whisper into her ear. She nods a little and leans back into me. “Wanna go and watch?” I ask. Sometimes she feels safer when she watches the weather and knows what’s going on. “Yeah, but only if you are with me.” She replies. “I’m always with you.” I kiss her cheek and we make our way to the armchair in front of the window. I sit down first so she can settle in my lap and I wrap my arms around her, holding her close and secure. Her eyes are glued to the outside world and she snuggles into me. When she can watch the weather, she feels more in control and she’s calmer. A thunder makes her jump a little and snuggle closer to me. I kiss her head and tell her, everything is fine and it’s just loud, but it can’t hurt us. She nods a little and her hands grab one of mine that’s resting on her leg and she starts playing with my fingers. We watch the weather for a while and it’s getting darker by the second and she makes herself smaller in my arms. I will always protect her.

© Daria Lehmann 2022-08-09
