by Luca Rosner
Will you show me now? I’m begging, you know.
You’ll have to follow me into the depths. Your wing will make you suffer a lot.
I’m ready. Lead the way.
Better be prepared…
I need you close to me, please…
I won’t let anything happen. Besides, who’d know the place better than me?
This water… suffocates…
Are you okay? We can leave anytime if you need to.
No, we keep going. How do you bear it?
We adapted. We learned to breathe in the depths where you cannot.
I see…
One of our most remarkable aspects is our annual migration, during which we travel thousands of kilometers.
What for?
For food, isn’t that obvious? The little ones can’t stand cold water, where we find… found our favorite food source. The one you also took from us due to your way of living, by the way.
Why are you blaming us for everything?
You were kinda right when you said that hunting is not the only reason why we were brought near to extinction, you know.
This sounds as if you’re going to add something even more terrible to the list.
I’ll let you decide that. Many of us got entangled in your equipment, collided with your waste or got irritated due to the noise pollution you cause and, most recently, the removal of our food source.Â
That’s quite an impact we made…
It’s just the surface. I plan to take you to the bottom.
I really had no idea…
Our migrations were an essential component to the transportation of nutrients between different regions of the ocean. Think about that. Consider the consequences if that’s erased from the chain.
© Luca Rosner 2024-08-13