Summer Camp 2024

Sophie Gahleitner

by Sophie Gahleitner

Amstetten 2024

That was my latest camp. And one of my favourites- I know I say that every time I’m talking about a camp, but this time I mean it. This summer so many great things happened, and one of them was the camp. Just for explanation: it was a group camp. So, a camp with all grades together. The CaEx, my group, was there with four people. Two girls: Stacey and Gracy, a boy called Nick and me.
Actually, we wanted to go there by bike, but it was too hot that day, so we went by train. After a short walk, we arrived at the camp. It was early in the morning, so we had enough time to build up the tent. And we started right away.
There were a few complications, but in the end, the tent stood and we had a break.
Then we built our cooking station and had another break. In the afternoon, we helped to build up the rest of the camp – the part where the younger kids slept. In the evening, we had dinner with the other grades, because our kitchen team had cooked for everyone.
After dinner, we sat at the campfire and sang a few songs until the youngest kids had to go to bed, and we just sat there, looked at the flames and watched the fire getting smaller and colder.
The next morning, we had breakfast and then the camp story started. The camp story is the motto of the camp and the camp is also built on it. Our story was Shrek.
We had a station run the whole day long. It was quite fun but not made for my age, so it was kinda boring, too. But seeing the kids having fun made my day.
The third day we went swimming, in the lido. The walk was about half an hour, but it was pretty hot so it felt like we had walked the whole day. In fact, the day was actually relaxing and fun.
I also remember a night when we played a running game in the dark woods next to our camp. We had to run from one point to another, changing a sheet of paper with the next goal on it. But on the way, some leaders were hiding, who scared us and took the sheets of paper we had from us and gave us another, which led us back to the start. For Stacey, Gracy, Nick and me it was just a fun game – you know, running through a dark wood and trying not to fall.
But for the little children it was creepy and scary, and they were afraid of the hiding leaders. So the game ended before it started to get dangerous for us, and we’d fallen over a root.
After getting back to the camp, we went to take a shower, because it was extremely hard to run half an hour in warm jeans and without a break.
Nick had moved out of our tent, because it turned out to be illegal to put girls and boys into the same tent. At that time, he shared a tent with the only boy from the GuSp.
The next day we went archery. There were four leaders and four CaEx and before starting, we divided into two groups. The leaders said: “Let’s make two groups!” and then they went to the start. So we started after them and did the parkour alone.
One last thing happened on the last evening of the camp. The dare for the youngest happened. The GuSp worked out a detailed plan to do the dare, but they needed us, too.
So, we dressed up completely in black and headed into the woods and hid. We had to scare the kids when they walked by.
Since I didn’t have many black clothes and only packed one black t-shirt for the camp, Nick gave me his jumper. It was a good decision, because there were mosquitoes everywhere in the woods and it also got cold.

© Sophie Gahleitner 2024-09-13

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