by Luca Rosner
How strange the jellyfish taste these days, she marvels. But the growing appetite loss is interrupted when, between their meals, on another warm current day, a bunch of crustaceans feel compelled to alert the surrounding area to the over-acidification of the water.
Ridiculous, as the loggerhead sea turtle finds. What unnecessarily theatrical images these snails present, spreading the news that they could almost see in their living bodies how their lime shells begin to dissolve.
The turtle also has a shell, but it cannot detect any signs of degradation. Or can it? Nonsense. The turtle is definitely not as simple-minded as the corals, mussels or sea urchins that already pick up the flags and slogans and carry them on.
The only uncertainty that overcomes her from time to time concerns this ‘aragonite’ that is always talked about, and whether their shell probably also contains this material.
The loudest protests come from the pteropods. This could be due to their name. At least the turtle can only explain it that way.
Astonishingly, she finds in this regard some fishes as well as isolated whales, which also fire these small winged snails in their madness!
In the end they help the ideas of the ‘switching to recycled shells’ too! She already sees it in front of her, a new trend of plastic capping houses or crown cork sleeves. One or the other coral is already adorning itself with thin plastic skins. The scenario that someone might envy her for her unwanted necklace makes her shudder directly.
The turtle turns away and drifts on, hopefully to calmer climes.
What remains are echoing cries of distraught parents who fear for their offspring and possible deformities, and the urge to avoid cold water that may be more severely affected in the future.
On the other hand, she would be only too curious to see those affected by the corrosion with her own eyes.
Likewise, she would like to interview a Great Pilgrim Mussel and find out if it could actually implement heavier escape maneuvers. She cannot and will not believe all this. Why should she? She is doing well so far.
© Luca Rosner 2022-10-28