

by Talia



You always told me I’m too dumb to make it in a school with higher education 

Well, look where I’m now, and I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon. 

You were my teacher.

A person who was supposed to educate me does not make me feel like I was worth worthwhile in this man-ruled world.

I may not be as smart as you are, but I will be when the time comes. 

I will not let you decide my future. 

I make my own just to strike you.

Who’s afraid of her?

People in my class make jokes.

The jocks say that they are just joking, but the people they insult think otherwise.

But they are men, right?

Boys will be boys, right?

They will make fun of your appearance, because they are boys.

They will punch you in the face, but it’s OK because kids will be kids.

They force you to do things you didn’t consent to, but it’s fine because the male brain just works differently.

Boys and men won’t get punished for their misbehaviour 

If it’s under ten seconds of unconsensual touching, it doesn’t count as harassment in Italy.

Not all men, but all women. 


I have tried everything to be better. 

But every time I do anything, someone finds a mistake in the way I talk, act or even write. 

I was ahead of my friends, ran the race and ended up in the beginning.

I will never get back to the person I once was all this time ago. 

But people won’t notice they never do and never will

© Talia 2024-06-26
