That couple at the train station


by eatmorearts


You know the moment of waiting for your train and train is late for 10 more minutes? The feeling of mixed emotions. You are maybe getting late to your connecting train, or you are just relieved to have few minutes of chilling before work. Sometimes you are really tired just want to go home to your bed…

But there is always and everywhere this one couple that drags to your attention, the one appreciating every minute of delay and enjoying each others presence. Watching them makes you feel sad and grateful at the same time. You sense the vibe of the desire their aura sends in a small radius around the station. The bubble which keeps them safe of the continuum.

Space and time are irrelevant to those two souls embracing the moment of existence. His eyes are louder then any song. Her smile is warmer then thousands suns. Safe zone. That’s the best group of words to fit in this description of the eternal hug above these two minutes of human time.

Counting looks, grabbing smiles, exchanging gentle touches and taking breath… Hunger of love feeds the observers optimisms that embodies an image of future feelings. Still though, goodbyes carry a burden of being tragic. Well, ypu felt it when the train entered the station and the hands started spreading till they let go of each other… The bubble bursts!

She gets into the train. He looks towards her with the hope of seeing her in the near future. Follows her with his eyes while she’s going through the aisle pretending there are no free seats just so she can look at him for one more second. He waves with the hand showing her to sit down, approving the moment of final goodbye and going down the stairs towards the metro station.

This energy field radiates soft emotions awaking in the spectator and gives hope. Love is present. Love exists. Beginnings are scary, so are the goodbyes. Embrace the existence. Enjoy that opportunity to go out of your body and see that beautiful couple you became.

Yes, please! To good at goodbyes, to safe at your arms! One cold night at the Vienna train station and two silly souls existing at the same moment on this Earth..

Ah, that couple…

© eatmorearts 2020-07-16
