The 4th date and other illusions


by eatmorearts


What are we now? Can we say we are “something”? Defining terms is an urge a rational bean in me strives to strongly. I feel the need to organize my life, my situations, and relationships. But is it always necessary to put a label on non-material happenings? I tend to assume the goodness born by the feeling is what counts. Do I feel well? Pleasant? Hm, yes and yes… Also, I have to be honest and say I feel puzzled by the relationship we have, by the unfulfilled glass in front of me.

“We are now and here. We have now, and I am here. Let us enjoy it now. I don’t know what will be next week. Do you?” – comforting words of an insecure boy or wise ones of a determined man? I let it go and put up a silly smile on my face and order small popcorn. The dark cinema hall. Two friends, who like to share a bed from time to time in the big city. You notice my mood changes even I try to hide them insidious from your eyes. “Hey, what’s up? Why are you now sad?” – saying it by touching my face with your whole hand and then pressing your lips on mine and trying to fix my smile again. I have the feeling you think your lips are the key to my smile. They open up my shriveled lips. Laid down in the big cinema chairs and rolled up in your arms with the ear on your chest makes all doubts go away for a few hours.

Christian Bale at his finest but still my thoughts drowning in theory and definition. The problem is in me. I am not sure, not you. You know you want to spend time with a crazy, funny, spontaneous girl. You want to travel with her to Prague and her friends and have a good time at that moment at present. No, no… She overthinks everything that’s she. That’s me. “The movie was f***ing awesome! I loved it!” – said he and kissed me and brought me back to the moment. One more well-slept night by his side.

Glad that I have so many trips this week. Glad that my head is occupied with “work stuff”. Putting everything aside, I am looking forward to Prague. I am not going to overthink it, you know why? Because “We don’t do that here!” (Black Panther, Avengers: Infinity War).

Is this one of the stories when impossible happens for two not compatible characters?

© eatmorearts 2020-07-10
