The Omega: Example: Diogenes of Sinope
The Omega-Archetype is at his best when he works with animals. He has the innate ability to understand the needs of animals at a higher rate of frequency. I’m sure that animals were domesticated by the Omega-Archetype.
The Player: Example: Niccolò Machiavelli
The Player-Archetype is at his best when organizing, planning and working with money. He has the ability to understand how to provide for the future at his higher rate of frequency. I’m sure that money was invented by the Player Archetype.
The Alpha: Example: Napoleon Bonaparte
The Alpha-Archetype is at his best when leading the Pack. He is born to rule over others. He has the innate ability to know when to keep promises and when to break the rules. His courage is enlightened, therefore he would rather run into certain death, than live his life imprisoned.
The Sigma: Example: Leonardo da Vinci
The Sigma-Archetype is the born artist and scientist. He outperforms anyone at Knowledge and Wisdom.
The Beta: Example: Cleopatra
The Beta-Archetype puts the needs of others always before her own. This type of human nature has enabled the senses to empathy. The Beta will know what you really want, more than you could ever find out by yourself. They excel at social skills.
Every human being has every archetype in his soul, but one type is at the core of his existence. The other types are distributed around this core equally.
There is no benefit in trying to be someone we are not. Every type of human nature has its own beauties, risks, dangers and qualities for excellence.
As long as we are connected to our true task, our true self, we will never mind questioning the meaning of life. Therefore, the meaning of life must be connected with our inner self.
This inner self is not a child, it’s an adult, who is trying to shift our lifestyle towards our natural skills and expertise.
In order to reach our full potential, we’re supposed to live our life task or (Lebensaufgabe) how Alfred Adler calls it.
This life task is predetermined, as far as I can see through this circle of life. In order to have a life, some need an animal, others need to study or work. Whatever our goal is, if it’s connected to our life task, we will have excellent results and be happy by achieving them.
© AstraliasEverdream 2024-10-26