The Boy With Strawberry Blonde Hair

Adrianna Kljestan

by Adrianna Kljestan


I look down at the floor, while we walked. I will have a new life in a new school and that just made me want to crawl in my own skin or glue myself to the floor, so I don’t have to go. “You lied to dad that’s it okay!” One of my thoughts came then another “What if my friends don’t talk to me anymore? And then I answered my own question with “I mean, they have to your in a band together!?” My brain was everywhere at once. Some happy some bad. “I can decorate my room” one positive at least.

“Ophelia? Are you okey?” Deren asked. I just simply look at him then around our town. I give him “ye im fine” treatment, but I know that he knows I’m just overthinking again. “What are they saying again?” He simply asked and for a moment I thought about all the questions and to mix them all together in one, so he will understand me. “Hm. What will my life be when I move away?” I answer, and he looked at me, his eyes got wider like there gonna pop out a little that kinda made me want to giggle. His stand became timid, and he brushed his hair of his face. I saw him tear up a bit and say “Wait… um… You are MOVING?!” ” I have to, If I want to live with my dad, and he got a new apartment in another town.” I blurred out all I knew and the rest of our walk I ranted about this whole thing. He started promising to visit me and come with the bus when he can. After, everything we ended up in our friends house making music and making plans to still record when im back.

I’m mostly just the singer of the group, which people take as the face of the band, but I don’t really think that’s true in my case, because our main face would be Deren and his guitar. (Mostly because he’s kinda attractive and has locks of cute strawberry blondish hair and an adorable smile and his style is this punkish guy with skinny jeans and chains) Maybe, I even had admired him couple times, but I see newer people getting to our music like our editors Layla and her girlfriend Max, both are big punk and indie nerds and there mixing styles go amazing together. Also, I had few people who loved my voice as I can make my voice go as low and as pitch as I want (I trained to hard for that skill and I have still memories of throat pains I had before). We got a new drummer too. He is kinda sleazy and hard to talk to, but he is very talented. Sadly.

Max and Layla agreed on me sending drafts of me singing, and they will edit them with the music. This made me less anxious about me leaving. I can still do music and I will stay in contact with my friends. Afterward, Deren and I walked home and just talked. We already planned his visits and how will we spend our time there.

© Adrianna Kljestan 2023-08-04

Novels & Stories
Dark, Emotional