The Clearing


by Reprise

The plane of Transcendence, Eken the first Planet, Knamupernas Clearing

At times, we feel like we don’t belong. Is that so wrong of us? A woman wearing black leather wondered, sitting on her knees in a clearing. Around her, the sun was shining down, engulfing the Woods in all its beauty. The Moss she was sitting on, was a healthy green and the glowing bugs of the Forest were in a gentle glide. Despite the apparent tranquillity, the woman sensed a distinct sense of not belonging. There was a Wooden Hut on the edge of the clearing. It wasn’t her home; she woke up there, one fateful night. She frequently pondered about her past, but couldn’t envision it. Knamuperna often advised her to meditate in the clearing and reflect on her previous life, but it proved to be of no avail. Knamuperna had a unique talent for giving advice that often didn’t come across as advice at all. This train of thought left the woman feeling frustrated, causing her to stand up and stomp back to the hut. Out of a peaceful moment came a crashing door. The woman standing at the doorway, visually in a temper asked “How is it that I always come back frustrated?” Knamuperna who hadn’t yet reacted to the intrusion of quiet, now turned and suggested, “Perhaps you were focusing on frustration?” This dumbfounded the woman. Knamuperna suggested: “Shut the door Lisith. Let me explain to you how to meditate.” With calmness, Lisith shut the door and settled down at the table inside the picturesque rustic cabin. Knamuperna had imbued this cabin, once merely a large severed tree-stomp, she had transformed it into a delightful home as if Knamuperna’s presence had breathed new life into the once-decaying tree. The space inside was adorned with an abundance of pots, greenery, racks, and utensils. As Knamuperna took a seat, her eyes landed on the wide-brimmed hat donned by Lisith. “Maybe you should have taken my umbrella outside, so you wouldn’t have risked a ray of sunshine.” Knamuperna joked. “Very funny, any other opinions about my clothes you’d like to share?” Lisith retorted. Knamuperna happy to tease answered, “Since you’re asking, have you thought about throwing away that disgusting dead-hide suit you’re wearing?” “Better than being covered in rags,” remarked Lisith. “But look!” responded Knamuperna in a childish tone, while pointing at varying pieces of sewn-together fabric. “They all have different colors.” “They all appear washed out,” smirked Lisith. “So why am I meditating wrong?” Lisith pressed. According to Knamuperna, meditation ought to be viewed as an act rather than a means to an end, and thus, it is imperative not to hold any expectations while practicing it. Lisith held her head up with one arm and said, “This confuses me.” “It is simple, it is about finding that spot of rest that allows oneself to become a witness of the ebb and flow of the unconscious and conscious mind,” said Knamuperna, warning “One’s mind is a powerful thing, better be aware of your own.” Lisith murmured, So meditation is about becoming still, isn’t it?” Knamuperna interjected, “You could say that, but it’s more about becoming an observer of your thoughts. However, I don’t want to place any expectations on your next meditation.” Lisith chuckled “How can I meditate on my past without expecting to get an answer?” Knamuperna reflected and said, “Well, I guess you’ll have to learn, how to find something without looking for it.”

© Reprise 2023-07-22

Science Fiction & Fantasy, Spirituality
Emotional, Komisch, Hoffnungsvoll, Inspirierend, Reflektierend