by Lydia Bogan
Introduction: Hi, my name is Lexi. I was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. When I was 9, I moved to Connecticut for a USA exchange program. Two years ago, I moved back to Boston. I changed schools 3 times in a few years for exchange programs. So I have been in a lot of different programs throughout my life. I am now 13 years old and now in an amazing school. I have a few friends and I’m just living my life. In a few months, I’m moving to Arkansas for another program. So I’m spending enough time with my family and friends so that I can have enough memories when I move to Arkansas.
Anyways, here’s my story.
Beginning: Last night at around 11:00 PM (which was way later than my bedtime, my bedtime is at 10:30), my friends and I started playing a game called “Dream Door ”. We all picked who was going to dream of the door, we voted on our index cards and everyone chose me. A few minutes later, we started playing the game. A few minutes after that, the game started. So, I told everyone what I saw. I described the door as a white door in the middle of nowhere. I went into the door, I told everyone that I saw many different colored doors. I saw a green door, a red door, a purple door, and much more. I went into the green door.
Middle: As I went into the green door, another door appeared. To me, it was a little scary, but I went in. Once I went into the second door, some other doors appeared, a blue door, a pink door, and another green door. I chose the blue door and I fell down a flight of stairs. My friends told me beforehand that it was better to go upstairs than it was to go down. At that moment, I felt scared because there might be some creepy things downstairs. I started going up 80 stairs to prevent something bad from happening. I then went into a black door with a clock. Once I went in, more clocks started appearing, so I left.
End: Later on, I went into a white door. It looked like a white box from a scary movie. The door just slammed, and I couldn’t open the door. I had to wake up. So I told myself to wake up, and I did. When I was able to wake up, I told my friends to never play that game again. My friends and I learned to trust urban legend games, never play them, to NEVER EVER play them again. We went to get some smores under a bright orange fire, under a dark red tree. I told my friends everything about what happened.
© Lydia Bogan 2023-04-04