by Krimpi
The early bird catches the worm
Our belief in this saying is unshakably firm
What does this mean for me to ensure the worm is mine?
Simply get up early, rise and shine?
Just be first or foresee what will be?
Is it about a vision no one else can see?
Or do I take it literally?
Do I put worms on my diet plan, at least optionally?
Probably this worm is rather meant as a metaphor
I’m sure you already came to this conclusion long before
But be the first is often depending on the time for it is right
A glitch can mean your future might be not so bright
Galileo Galilei caught his worm, but his discovery of earth revolving around the sun brought him first no fame
The verdict of the earthly deputy of the boss caused him nothing but shame
At times it can be dangerous to be far ahead of time
It is easy to hit the wrong time to shine
An unfortunate timing can cause some serious friction
Some ending up in a lunatic asylum, at their time no one knew about science fiction
Others are more fortunate when having their vision
Lucky is who gets the worm and needs no permission
Some make it great and end up in history books as a great example
Others fail, earn scorn, some of them quite ample
So, while for a bird worms can be very nutritious
For us they can be a bit vicious
My advice: once you’ve caught your worm, you better have a plan
Think twice before you take the lid off the can
© Krimpi 2023-04-14