Breathless and heart-pounding, Jake and his classmates;Sammy, Lily, Chloe, Issac, Noah and Benjamin ran after the school bus as it disappeared around the bend, leaving them stranded in a cloud of dust. As the kids stopped to get some air. Issac was fuming with anger because now him and the others would have to miss the trip. He then turned to shout at Noah, “This is all your fault, Mr Good, for nothing. We already missed the bus, and now we are going to miss the trip as well.” “How is it my fault? You are the one who can’t control your anger around people.” Replied Noah.
As the two boys continued to quarrel, the rest were trying to find a way to get to their destination and hopefully meet their classmates. To her luck, Chloe spotted a car not that far away from them, and as it appeared , she reached out her hand trying to get the driver to notice her.
The car got close and closer and then stopped in its tracks. Chloe then went to approach it, but suddenly a hand pulled her back. It was Sammy, “where are you off to Chloe? ” She asked. “I’m just going to ask the person inside that car if they can give us a lift.” Replied Chloe, surprised. “Okay, that is a good idea, but at the same time a bad idea. ” Added Sammy. Mm, Sammy why don’t you come with me?” Asked Chloe, smiling. “Hahaha, What are you on to Chloe. ” Replied Sammy, laughing. “Come on ,please.” Chloe asked again.” Fine but if things get weird, we, leave. ” Replied Sammy.
The girls approached the car and then Chloe tapped on the window. The person inside rolled down the window slowly and just sat there, looking at the girls. ” uuh sir can you please give us a lift. ” asked Sammy. Nervously holding Chloe’s hand . “Sure ,girls .is it just the two of you or there are more.” Replied the man. “Sammy, Chloe ” a voice called out their names, the girls turned around to see that it was Benjamin , they were both over the moon to see him . ” Sir ,we are sorry for the trouble we have cost you , if you would excuse us. ” said Chloe as she pulled Sammy away . The girls run towards him. Benjamin looks at them suspicious and asks them ” What were you two doing there? Trying to get yourselves kidnapped, huh . Jeez , if you two don’t what to talk to me , I can just leave. ”
”Wait, Benjamin don’t go.” Asked Sammy. “Ah,,so now you talk ” Replied Benjamin. ”What are you guys looking at ” he asked. “We are trying to see if the guy left.” Replied Chloe. “Is he gone yet, Sammy. ” Chloe asked “no not yet… okay, now he Is gone .” Replied Sammy.
“Hi Benjamin ” said Sammy waving at him . “Huh,hello.”Replied. Benjamin looking astonished. “Anyhow someone will come to get us.” He says ” Really, who ” asked Chloe. “Some parent volunteer “Replied Benjamin. ” wait,wait,wait how on earth did you know. Did you manage to get a hold of Mr mathew.” Asked Sammy. “He mentioned it in class , and well of course you wouldn’t know that since you’re always sleeping. ” Replied Benjamin flicking Sammy’s head . ” BOY ,that hurts” She says
© Ahlam Mohamed 2024-11-11