Late night, the stars are shining, the fireflies of the night give light to the night beside the lone moon mixed in the late Wednesday dusk. In the youth of the forest, in the heart of the depths, wonderful things happened, children play games, sang odes and sometimes are crying, because happiness is always hung in the air like the smell of the summer perfume on a day of a sunny August. The forest was now cursed by the people of the neighboring villages and had not been inhabited for a long time because a child had been lost in its thickets long ago. Since then the world began to invent countless stories about this child of only fourteen years old, who trampled by the foot of a moving tree, an entity angry with humans for destroying the beauty of nature, the clarity of the water and the clean air. Since those days of inferno, the child’s family, the forest, were and are still deserted by the smiles and giggles of the past children and continuous darkness haunted it, and fear grew more and more in the hearts of people. One late evening, a beautiful maiden with velvet skin rushes into the fear of the forest, the madness of the forest without too much fear of goblins and very naive says that she conquers anything only when she opens her eyes, she can drive away very easily that evil feeling.
She goes by the name of Sahia, and she was delighted with what she was about to do, according to all the villagers, but she did not believe in that story and was much too determined, she wanted to see all these things with her own eyes even at the risk of dying. He wanted to prove to them that they live a fantasy, in an apparent world, that they always live with a fear in them because of this and do not notice that they are occupied by the invention, by a bizarre world. The shallowness of these stories reveals the inauthentic life lived by these people. Opening the door slowly so as not to wake her family, she runs away from home. Due to the exaggerated claims of her stepfamily her character does not match his nature. Stepping slowly on the parquet floor in the hall, Sahia makes her way to the door without anyone waking or noticing her through the night-heated air and the floating stillness of tomorrow in the unreal village of Mauy. In the court absorbed by the monstrous faces, she wanders dreamily singing among the fragrant flowers set deep in the earth, their leaves dancing to the soothing melody of Sahia. At the door a fluffy, curly and completely white puppy with blue eyes and a red tongue was waiting for her.When he opened the gate he jumped on all fours and happily greeted her with a blackbird’s bark. It was her beloved puppy. The beauty unbated by her character when she was little, all the children considered her humble, poor, clumsy, uninteresting, and although she was criticized foo all these unhealthy things like indifference, she always knew how to overcome all thess difficulties of adolescence through her situation in reality, the attempt to always discern the truth made her aware that she was that girl who was always disregarded by the people around her but the only one with the “head on the shoulders” type of person. Always dissatisfied with her life and looking for something new, Sahia was a girl full of qualities, but inexperienced. A good girl with the body of a goddess, still unchanged by the cruel world, with access to dreaming and eager for knowledge with a special desire.
© Oana-Nicoleta Balc 2023-08-13