There is a mystical ‘she shed’ at the bottom of a garden, in a place that is larger than a village but smaller than a town. It is neither rural nor urban, bordering on woodland with a river flowing through it. It is not the sort of place where you might expect a witch to reside, but a witch cannot be defined by where she lives or how she expresses her spirituality. She is defined by her affinity with the natural world. Imagine a modern day Green Witch if you can; they exist in various forms in the unlikeliest of places.
Dedicated to the power of natural magic and healing through herbs and flowers, she is completely at one with nature. She knows the secrets of the earth, fire, water and air, and is expert at creating spells, potions and healing teas. Her days on the planet follow a nature-themed calendar of solar and seasonal festivals, committing to their associated customs and rituals.
In the evening the shed is illuminated with solar lights; she adorns the surrounding decked area with candle-lit lanterns, creating a temple-like feel. A beaded curtain swished to one side reveals a cosy seated area and hanging on the walls are pictures of woodland scenes and their wildlife inhabitants. She has drawn these pictures of her animal friends in stunning detail as she knows intimately every feather, bright eye, whisker and wet nose they possess. Around the time of sunset through to darkness, they come to her, not just for the food she provides, as they are capable of foraging for themselves. It is for greater reasons; they are animal guides, magical aids who love their Beautiful Earth Mamma. She awaits their nightly arrival with anticipation; Mr Truffles the Badger and Flareon the Fox. She would never, ever admit it, but the fox is her favourite, the one to whom she is most spiritually connected. Closing her eyes in concentration, she senses that he is coming to her.
Flareon has left his forest den, slinking through the foliage and checking to see who is there. He is happy now because he knows he will soon be lifted into Beautiful Earth Mamma’s arms to be fussed and nuzzled. His loveliness makes her heart sing; his peppery brush tail is magnificent, his bright eyes are soulful and intelligent. They metamorphose into one another as he becomes entangled in her long red hair, sharing a sense of togetherness and peace.
Mr Truffles the badger vacates his set when he is good and ready. Governed by when the sun sets, he comes out to forage and socialise. This summer evening the moon will be bright. Beautiful Earth Mamma loves his wiry whiskers and large black nose. His dark eyes punctuate his black striped head. When she looks into them she feels a depth of trust and understanding which pleases her beyond measure.
When all were present, supper was served on the decking. The animals nibbled and nudged around, as polite as friends at a dining table. They were treated to a woodland smorgasbord of cereals, fruit and nuts, then all together under the new moon they watched for shooting stars.
© Angela Craddock 2021-08-02