The Healthcare Tragedy


by AnnaHunter


A young woman that has a dream. She wanted to make people feel better and help. Whatever.

We are family here, they say to her. Trust and companionship make this place better than the others. She questions the promises but keeps her head down to follow the rules of the one who owns the coins. The instinct in her gut is tearing her apart.

Never mind, no time to think about that. She ran as fast as the wind to be acknowledged by the beast that ran the place. She made it. But too late she realised, she wasn’t on the top of the mountain enjoying the gorgeous view of success she worked so had for. No, she was in a cave, as dark as her humour has become. Patient after patient. Grabbing tiny pieces of her soul day by day.

Now she needs the money to stay in the cycle that imprisoned her to never even have a single thought about quitting.

It’s good money the said. You can pay just enough. The cigarettes and the alcohol can be covered too.

Revolution? No time for that! Being rebellious is going to make more problems than solve them.

The weight is crushing her, she doesn’t recognise herself any more. Hobbies and self-care. Terms not found in dictionary.

Is it AM or PM? The constant darkness outside is confusing her. Not even the liquor and excessive shopping can fill the exploding void. Maybe an expensive massage can fix everything?

She looks at the moon one night. The music in her ears can’t drown out the constant noise of rage. She stops and looks up. It was a full moon. The Flame cannot be stopped in her and she one day lets it consume her. She burns out.

The body is being carried out to the rubbish where she can lick her wounds and try to ignore the rolling eyes by the ones that actually understand her but never dare to admit.

Her place is quickly replaced by a young woman that has a dream that wants to help and … Whatever.

Her soul sleeps in for the very first time in years. She books the trip because that’s what life should be, she realises.

She steps on top of the mountain on the other side of the world, breathes in the fresh air and enjoys the view with tears in her eyes. One single thought crosses her mind. It may have all been worth it.

© AnnaHunter 2023-06-17

Novels & Stories
Dark, Hopeful, Reflective