The Leopard and the Sparrow


by EDV


Let me set the scene:

Imagine a valley; in its center stands a large oak, inhabited only by one little, unwary sparrow.

A noxious haze has been looming above the valley, but only now has it begun to descend.

When you narrow your gaze, you will recognize that the haze conceals a leopard, slowly approaching its puny prey.

If you look closely, you can also spot a ghoul. Can you see him? It’s the meager silhouette on the valley’s outskirts. Yes, that’s him.

For now, he’s just waltzing around, but beware, for he’s steadily closing in.

You know, I have to confess: Somewhere in my mind’s crypt, I knew the end was drawing near with every step the leopard took.

Somehow, I knew him to be the foretelling, a dark omen for the days to come.

But nevertheless, when the leopard finally sank its fangs into the sparrow’s neck and tore out the flesh, panting voraciously, trying in vain to quench an insatiable thirst, the suddenness of it still took me by surprise.

The sparrow’s eyes meet the leopard’s sapphires, searching in panic for something resembling regret, or for the least hesitancy.

Its pupils beg for a twist, refusing to accept love eclipsed like candlelight.

With the sun behind the moon and faded stars, the leopard raises its whiskers soaked, sooted in blood and slowly drags himself away, leaving only echoes of bones long crushed.

But the sparrow’s wounds are not as permanent as death. No, the shadows will retreat from its skin at dawn.

Under the cover of the fading darkness, it will rise and dispel the eclipse with each beat of wing, hesitant as they may be. 

And what about the leopard, you ask? 

Drunk on blood, inert with marrow, a lion seized him just like a sparrow.

© EDV 2024-05-19

Novels & Stories
Mysteriös, Dark, Inspiring, Sad, Reflective