by Calliope
We try to identify ourselves to assert our place in society. It is a natural inclination driven by our innate desire for meaning and connection. We yearn to be seen, understood, and respected by those around us, and we often believe that assuming new roles is the key to discovering our purpose.
So, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, eagerly embracing different identities and personas. We take on the mantle of various professions, adopt particular belief systems, and mold ourselves according to societal expectations. We hope that by becoming someone recognizable, someone admirable, we will find fulfillment and validation.
Yet, as time passes, we find ourselves trapped in a vicious circle of perpetual self-reinvention. We wake up one day, and the roles we have so meticulously crafted begin to lose their luster. We realize that the pursuit of constantly changing identities has left us disoriented and detached from our true essence.
In this relentless cycle, we have unwittingly transformed ourselves into mere vessels for the expectations of others. We see countless individuals trapped in the same predicament, living parallel lives, sharing identical dreams, and clinging to similar identities. The collective consciousness seems to suffocate individuality, rendering us mere replicas of one another.
It is at this juncture, within the confines of this circle, that a profound realization dawns upon us. We understand that we were never meant to define ourselves solely through the lenses of external expectations and societal constructs. The relentless pursuit of new roles and personas is an illusory endeavor, for the image we strive to fit into is a figment of our imagination.
At this moment of clarity, we recognize that the essence of our being transcends the need for definition or understanding. We begin to comprehend that our existence is not meant to be explained or understood by others but rather to be felt, to be experienced in its purest form. In this realization, we find liberation. We step out of the suffocating circle, shedding the weight of societal expectations and embracing the freedom of self-acceptance. We reclaim our power to shape our narratives, unburdened by the need to fit into someone else’s mental image.
Ultimately, our journey becomes self-actualization, where our purpose is not dictated by external validation or conformity but arises from an authentic alignment with our innermost truths. We discover that our existence itself is a testament to our unique contribution to the world, one that cannot be confined to predefined roles or societal expectations.
So let us release ourselves from the circle’s confines, the never-ending quest for new roles, and instead embark on self-discovery and self-acceptance. Let us dare to exist in a way that defies explanation, for it is in this state of authentic being that we can truly experience the fullness of life and make our unique imprint upon the world.
© Sonja Krčan 2023-05-24