The Lockdown

Theophilus Kofi Appiah

by Theophilus Kofi Appiah


I’m now the girl who couldn’t prevent her best friend’s death. It’s been a week since this silly lockdown, and I remember Charlotte’s mother’s betrayal. I should have stopped Charlotte that day. I started to drown in my thoughts until Liam saved me from drowning in them. >>Eva, let’s go to lunch<< Maybe I was already lost because he had to repeat himself several times before I could finally answer him. >>Yes<< So it was lunchtime, which is nothing new. Everything is planned here. Regular records are being made to prevent anyone from escaping our new home in the next three weeks. Some students tried and had a good time in individual bondage. As we strolled from our dormitory to the lunch counter, all eyes turned to Liam and me. He was Charlotte’s ex-boyfriend, and I was her best friend. Maybe Liam and I stared at the crowd for too long because Noah Buckets, Emily Stones, and the rest of their gang members intentionally bumped into us and walked unrepentantly to their table. Noah! Noah! You’re behind me on Sir Jones’ list, so why stir up another controversy? I ignored her and followed Liam, who was already entering the school kitchen. One consequence of the massacre was the grouping. It is a system in which we are divided into three groups. The main suspects. These consist of Noah, Liam, me, and the entire class of 5D, Lotte’s class. We are called “Reds” because of the color of our uniform. The majority of the secondary suspects are also referred to as minis. These consist of the entire year twelve, and their color is yellow. The last group is the Cleans in green clothing. This group consists of the entire block of buildings where the massacre took place. Each group has different dormitories and enjoys different benefits. The main suspects are under constant surveillance, not forgetting the tracking devices. The Minis are sometimes allowed to roam, while the Cleans have the right to go anywhere except Red’s territory. The biggest benefit of Cleans is the visits from parents. The Minis have the privilege of holding the hands of their loved ones, but the Reds limit themselves to communicating in video format. Advantageously, we have the upper hand at the lunch counter. We clean, serve, and cook with the help of government chefs. I decide what’s best for my friends and myself and autocratically wield this short-lived power over my nemesis, Noah. Today, there was no difference. I sneered as I saw Noah’s ballistic face. >>Who cares about this food anyway?<< he stated angrily. >>Seems like his father’s authority can’t be enforced in this lockdown, << I shouted to Liam, who was also on duty today, only deflecting the glares of the director at the front table. Sir Jones briefly sat at the lunch counter with his team and signaled the public inquiry to begin.

 >>It has come to our attention that most of you have not been checked for clean hands in the Charlotte Johnson murder case, and therefore, we will begin the investigation on Monday. This would also determine your value in your current group, whether you will be demoted or promoted to another group. So enjoy your days while they last<<, he said without batting an eyelid, sparking fear and joy among the assembled students and teachers.

© Theophilus Kofi Appiah 2023-08-30

Suspense & Horror
Dunkel, Emotional