Once a soldier came back from heavy war
And needed some shelter and a bit of food.
He saw a house and knocked on the door,
Where the hostess was in stingy mood.
She had no choice and let him in
She was afraid of neighbors’ talking.
All people say it is a sin
To leave a soldier in the darkness walking.
But as he asked for some dinner,
She couldn’t overcome her sparing;
She said her shelf could not be cleaner
And its condition is dispairing.
He said he’d teach her a receipt
To make a dish of stones.
He made his mind without deceit,
She’ll eat her meal alone.
So he took a pot
And asked her for some oil,
While the oil was getting hot,
He put the stones to boil.
He cut an onion into dices
And left them fry to gold.
He cut some meat and added spices,
He managed with her scold,
He even got tomato sauce
And put it in the meal of stones
The hostess poked her curious nose
And said to her this meal was known.
She said she cooked it on her own,
And explained in haste
She never put in it a stone:
It makes no better taste.
© Tanya Guleria 2023-12-17