The Meet Cute

Karina Saakyan

by Karina Saakyan


“Hey Dylan, wait up. Apologies Dan, Maria – it has been a lovely evening, thank you. I do have to go, let’s do lunch sometime next week?” – she spoke trying not to appear jumpy.

“Aww, Emma, thank you for joining us. Will you be ok, you were a bit spacey a few minutes ago? Dylan will you walk her home, we do not want her to fall down half way through her journey?”

“I am fine really, Dylan surely has other matters to attend to. Let’s do lunch next week”.

They hugged awkwardly and just as so left things unclear about lunch commitments. As soon as the door shut behind them, Emma released a long sigh.

“Are you ok?” – Dylan’s voice always seemed to be calm.

Dylan and Emma knew each other briefly. Met at a few parties hosted by Dan and Maria, including their wedding, but never really hang out alone or on any other occasion.

“I am fine” – she spoke steadily walking down the stairs. “It is just a lot to take in, you know?” He did not.

“A lot to take in because the house they bought is impressively big?” – Dylan had no clue what she was talking about and tried making a joke, which he thought was funny.

She left a crooked smile. Success – he thought.

“No, the house as impressive as it may be is gorgeous and Maria will make a home out of it – I am sure. It is not that”.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

“Actually, not tonight no. I left early as I could not take all the cheering anymore, and to be fair, aside from Dan whom I have known all my life, I barely know these people.”

She looked at him and for the first time she saw something that she never noticed before. Dylan was not like the other people at the party. He was not there out of curiosity about the house, nor to gloat about his new promotion or pry on other’s lives. He genuinely showed up for his best friend whom he has known for year, and a certain air of simplicity, trust and appreciation surrounded Emma. A feeling she has not had for a long time.

“I am not sure that spilling my entire life to a man I barely know is a good idea.” – she paused. He looked away, and for a minute she felt like he was a little disappointed.

“I do not have anywhere to be tonight either, though” – she continued, turning him to look at her again – “What do you say to a drink?”. He smiled shyly.

“A drink sounds perfect, I know a nice place nearby.”

© Karina Saakyan 2024-09-03

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Inspiring, Lighthearted