by eatmorearts
The first thought in the morning covered with dreams and the insecurity of the person next to me. How did the night become the morning? The warm breath on my back neck is comforting the fear of the born illusion in the head of a scared and lonely girl.
Busy day in a big city, cold wind, the rush through the metro stations and a text: “Hey! Let’s go for some drinks? Could really need a friend now…” Of course, the feeling of cold increases in the body of a Balkan girl in so many ways and makes her cross some borders in order to feel the warmth of the Mediterranean sun. So, “Hey! Why not!? Schwedenplatz after work?”
He moves and pulls me closer and interrupts the story-line in my head or the moment of Zurückspulen. Two bodies craving for human contact. Two thymus bones in need of hugs. Two non-synchronized hearth beats caught one rhythm. A huge dose of pleasant feelings overwhelmed my gut. Sometimes all I need is to feel someone’s weight on me to realize I am alive, I am O.K.
Few drinks, some tasty food and many talks later which continued with einem Spaziergang in the cold of Wien – we are closer to each other than ever. Foreigners in the eyes of the city. Friends in need for the frozen souls in the chests of two lonely, brave minds. It’s getting late, doesn’t make sense to go home alone. But the possibility of listening to the sense was far behind this moment. His room is neat, but with some charm like every Altbauwohnung – it holds this spirit of an era…
Waking up alone, no, not this time. Shy, but still curious turning over on the other side. The eyes meat and der Blick says everything. For one short second, the time was still and the universe stopped. Was there a smell of shame in the air? Or was it the tension between two human-beans scared of the next meeting?
The night got a strange turn or it was predictable and natural? The personal stories widened the personal spaces and I curled up my tired soul by his side. The night happened and peaceful as never I fell asleep. A kiss on the forehead, the hand around the waist and the music of our breath…
The realization of the morning, the working day, we hurried up to the metro station and left the peace in the bed and in our Blicks… Ones again from the top. But this time with the warm feeling in the chest and a silly smile on my face running to the train.
Does the second date ever happen?
© eatmorearts 2020-07-07