The new Path

Nadezda Petkovic

by Nadezda Petkovic

serbien 2015

When I look back , I can laugh and cry and just feel grateful for knowing you, being a little sister( not that proudly ) and for having a bigger brother . Changes…. Like they are needed for us to evolve and not to be stuck in one place. He created a whole Universe of Stuckness and went distant. Not much could reach him anymore . He created someone inside of him I wanted to go distant from , because trust me when I say,drug abuse truly does change people . The Brother I used to know, the one for who I could take a bullet without any question, became a stranger , far away from the Hero. The ideal in my eyes was broken and, yes, it made a lot of changes in our relationship .It was difficult … Since the Divorce, everything just became difficult to bear. I didn’t want to go to school anymore , the last year of waiting for my Austrian visa. I finished my Year of Primary school and I finished it in Austria.


With everything that was happening at that time, my friends, very few and the best ones, decided to stab me in my back. They were telling rumors in the school and that was one of the Reasons I just prayed every day to be gone from there … It’s scary what Ego can make you do and how far a Human who loses Humanity can go ….

The girl I loved, and considered her as my best friend, someone I grew up with , someone who I saw as a sister, was doing all she could to make me black and dark, someone I was not , just because she would be alone, just because circumstances are changing, and I need to move in another Country….that’s perfect definition of Egoist.


Every next female friend I came close to after her, and there was a couple I opened up to, stabbed me in the back . Nowadays, I don’t have any close friends. There are a few girls I like and see them time after time and the Boys from the Band (since I am a musician).


I see myself as introverted, as I like to call it „Hobbit Modus“, but do not let this fool you , since I can be extroverted as well .

My Mind between the Atmospheres makes it possible , especially as an double Air Sign( Aquarius -Libra). I tend to lose myself in my worlds between ,


That’s why I am a poet, a writer, an artist , a singer, a soul who just feels everything way too much and that was/is probably the thing that makes it difficult for people to truly understand me , my point of view…


© Nadezda Petkovic 2024-08-06

Herausfordernd, Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll