You know I’m a disgrace, right?
For whose life people do not care
Because my brain has a privilege
That my face doesn’t share
So I never go outside
Always fearing the sun
Because if I burn my skin
Does that mean they won?
If I get too dark
Is that reason enough to hold a grudge
Because I really can’t afford
To be seen by those who judge
Always sticking to quiet
Never really speaking up
Because even if I do
Doesn’t mean that they’ll stop
And if I once get too angry
If I once get too loud
They’ll tie my hands and silence me
Saying I’m being too proud
Of the way I was born
The things I can’t change
Telling me to just shut up
Saying I should be ashamed
For the way I am
For the way they’re not
For the name and the colour
That they haven’t got
Because if I’m the one who’s different
Then it has to be my fault
If I’m the one who doesn’t fit
And not doing as I’m told
© Selima Chowdhury 2023-03-26