The Ox and the Pig

Tanya Guleria

by Tanya Guleria


Once the ox came back from the field

And saw the pig, eating from its rack.

His heart for fairness thoroughly appealed:

He made its mind to fight injustice back.

The ox pretended to be very sick:

His owner left him in the barn to rest;

He had no choice and took the carefree pig

To pull the plough with its fat chest.

The pig dragged itself back into the shed,

Covering íts rage behind a smile.

It told the ox what the owner said,

As he was talking with his neighbor for a while.

“If my ox does not recover in a day,

I’ll have to pull its knife”

Since then all wiser people say

The ox works for his life.

© Tanya Guleria 2024-01-01

Humor & Satire