The plot

Selima Chowdhury

by Selima Chowdhury


Staying today will be the pain of tomorrow

Just saying that feels strange

But no matter whose happiness I borrow

Some things will never change

I’d try to break the pattern

Try to trade in my name

But I always fail to change the fact

That it will always stay the same

And I could lie and confess

My secret love for the pain

But one can never use happiness

To conceal a rotting stain

It’s like a raging demon

That has grown inside of me

Telling me to listen

Become the person I am meant to be

Entertaining the people in my life

Friends but also not

Those who chose to stay

But only for the plot

Staying for my breaking point

The one big event

The day on which I end it all

And go back to from where i was sent

© Selima Chowdhury 2023-02-14
