The ride back from the Final


by Amyn


So, after drinking 6 beers -which is an absolute record- I got on the tram back home after watching England not take it home, again. On the tram there was this middle-aged guy, wearing glasses, holding a bottle of beer and kinda wobbling around. I overheard him talking with some strangers, but I didn’t mind him, until he came on to me. “What’s that written on your T-shirt?” he asked. “That’s what she said!” I said. He frowned a bit, as he almost didn’t get it. Well, because what was actually written on my T-shirt was

“That’s what” -She

“It’s actually from The Office” I said, and feeling the need for clarification because I recognize the accent “Well, actually The Office US. It’s Steve Carell’s catchphrase” I add. “I don’t really care for Steve Carell” he said. “Yeah, but Ricky Gervais writes the jokes” I unneccesarily add. I thought it could be tricky, but not for an Englishman. “I’m legally Irish” he corrected, “and I’ve had a few drinks” he added, “I was watching the England’s game” he went on. “Yeah, a shame” I said, while actually being happy that they didn’t win. He paused a bit and then asked “Are you Canadian?”. I must have had acquired some accent after spending the night with an Australian.

– No, I’m actually from Iran.

– Iran?

– Yeah, it’s in the middle-east.

– I know where Iran is. *pause* You’re the first person I’ve ever met from Iran.

– Well, you’re in luck! Is this your first time in Berlin?

– No, I’ve been living here for the past 10 years!

– Wow. Did you come here because it was cheaper?

– No, I actually met a girl from here…

– That’s nice.

– … but we’re not together anymore.

– Oh.

– but we have a little girl.

– That’s… awesome.

– I don’t know you that much but you’re lovely.

– Why thank you!

– This is my stop, but I want to challenge you with a question but *wobbles a bit* Can you challenge me?

– Are you happy with your life?

– Yes, very much so.

– That’s what matters.

© Amyn 2024-07-15
