The Scene (Chapter 1)


by ValeriaBlack


This was the beginning of two people falling madly in love with each other.

 Steve, saw Anika on the street right before she entered the bank. It was the 24th of July 2022, he was on his way to the flower boutique to buy some flowers for his mother’s birthday. If he had known that she was going to the bank that day to close the account that she shared with her still-husband (a divorce was in process for half a year), he surely would have been more doubtful if this was the right moment to approach a woman. But since he was clueless about this fact, he was confident enough to go and make a move.

Anika felt pleasantly surprised when Steve appeared and said, “Hello. I have to admit I don’t do this very often, but when I saw you on the street right now, I felt the strange urge to go to this beautiful lady and introduce myself”. Anika giggled over the bright smile on Steve’s face which slowly got surrounded by a soft pink color as his face turned redder with every second. She admired this shy-appearing man’s act which was indeed pretty brave. “My name is Steve. Steve Miller”, he continued as he felt every second passing by like a hundred tons of weight on his shoulders. Steve now felt stressed. Was it the right move? Had he said something stupid? Was this the right moment to say ´never mind´ and disappear before it could get any more embarrassing? He panicked. Anika, though, was certainly amused. She liked this guy. This encounter was a refreshing interruption from the thoughts that were constantly spinning around her head since the day that her husband and her agreed on the divorce. It was as if her whole body sighed in relief. She smiled and said: “Hi. I like your confidence. My name is Anika”. Steve felt just as relieved as Anika did when he realized that he had not failed so far. And if this was a cliché love story, he thought, this would be the moment when he looked into her eyes and realized that this was the woman, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Love at first sight. And even though Steve couldn’t really convince himself of this idea yet, he did indeed feel an unexplainable spark between them.  

After a while of chatting, Anika and Steve eventually exchanged phone numbers, before parting ways and following their initial plans again. Each of them experienced an uplift of their mood for the rest of their day which accompanied them in the form of a casual smile on their lips in remembrance of the short memory they created together.

© ValeriaBlack 2023-09-05

Novels & Stories
Emotional, Hoffnungsvoll