by Michi Braun
Candles flicker, fierce little flames caressing rubber plant branches growing tall
Watch me watching light and how it vividly paints pictures on my bedroom wall
Black peacock riding proudly on a greyscale roomcorner silverwave sea
Opalescent reflections rainbowglowing on wallpaperpatterns – boy, look up and see
How the green leaf born pink orchid mantis is sending her prophecy prayers from the ceiling down to me
Lampshade silhouette circles float like newly discovered planets above my sleepy head
Soft moving shapes dance all over my tired body, they join me gently while getting ready for bed
There’s a whole new world inside this space that comes alive for my nightvisionary cateyes only
Each evening I visit my secret candlelight land, and in it’s hidden galleries I never feel lonely
Indoor shade shape jungles unfold, undercover creatures under covers only move when no one pays attention
Whispers slowly grow silent, no more screaming daytime secrets left to mention
Darkness reigns, but the eternal empress of light defies all black midnight inside fright
And the shadow reader unpacks her 7 mystery magnifying glasses to reveal a future bright with all her third eye might.
The praying mantis (mantis religiosa) get their name from the greek “mantis”, literally: “one who divines, a seer, prophet”, related to “menos” meaning “mind, purpose, spirit”, root “men-“, meaning “to think”.
The root “men-” also influences many other words related to thought and memory like e.g. mnemonic, music, museum.
© Michi Braun 2024-05-07