by Payy
We live in a world filled with good and evil. We spread no evil. It unleashes itself upon the world. I live in a city called Buffalo, New York, and here, where I live, there is a lot of violence. Violence isn’t a good thing. The more violence there is, the more people will continue to do so. Murder is also another thing that I don’t understand why people kill, because people who do this are just eliminating people from the earth who don’t deserve to be killed. We also have robbers that live around us. You wonder why things go missing because even the people closest to you will steal from you and you won’t even notice. People make up their own minds about who they choose to be. You can’t change their minds because it’s already settled in their minds. Then we have good people that live with us. For instance, people who choose to do good always end up having success in life. Staying in school and getting a degree will get you far in life. As long as you try and set a good example for others, you will do good in the world. Always keep in mind there are good and bad in the world. Don’t turn on the people closest to you, help them with whatever is going on in their life, so they don’t take the anger and do bad with it.
© Payy 2023-03-14