Thought at Source

Omar Mehad

by Omar Mehad


such traffic of self has formed them streets of confusion..

Paths I have found myself living.. forming a question after the other for the one and only sake of reaching a self-value at the phase of finding answers…

Failure was a title of my journey towards any success.. hope was the need among many others which ended up decorating her room’s walls the one and only queen.. who lit my earth “green”..

It’s been ever silly discussing the matter of being as it ever forced itself.. it’s been hard but to accept the power of existence as a singulative shape of multi conscious breaths I had to hale in and out.. endlessly never tired but of the calls which were ignored but of a consoling echo verbing the cosmos into verses of my climb back to living each and every “dusk till dawn”..!

Home was lost as a person.. as a brick even as a sheet of paper..

Name is without a single meaning… But to search for another spell..

The game I still reject got me bleeding .. up in chest so I live an earthy hell..

Fame of mind-loss was my identity.. another one was a tender of a mother-shell

Same of person I wish for claiming..

the one her hands would treat me well..

called as the grace by all of taming..

the greeds I greed for showing the cell..

the one filled with truth and honest passion..

abscession..! more of it attraction..

addiction of gazing her action..

a smile i miss.. a touch i lost by accen..

© Omar Mehad 2023-07-30

Dark, Emotional