I could be everything.
I could be anybody’s girlfriend,
Anybody’s best friend,
Anybody’s sworn enemy.
I could be it all.
I’d just have to set my mind around it.
I could be anything:
A musician,
A doctor,
An astronaut,
A beggar,
I could be it all.
I’d just have to walk the steps towards it.
I could love you,
And I could hate you.
I could sing for you,
Or I could harm you.
It all comes down to the angle that I take.
I look at you,
And I see everything.
I see your colors radiating,
And I see my reflection.
I listen to you,
And I hear everything.
I hear the wind rushing through the forests;
I hear the sands dancing under the blazing sun;
And I hear sparrows
– Thousands of sparrows.
Flying above and beyond all that has been, is, and will ever be.
Flying beyond all the possibilities,
I see the sparrows that are you,
And I see the sparrows that are me.
© Parnian Dehesht 2024-08-27