Lately, everything has been so tiring
Just a repeating circle of getting up and waiting for life
Looking forward to sleep again
In my constant state of detain
Cause nothing really has a meaning
In this endless spiral of being
Cause while you live to work and then die
I only live to die and then cry
The wish of wanting to live far away from here
Is consuming me
Just far away from any human civilization
Just me, in my cottage, and my new-found liberation
Maybe then I would wish for this day to never end
But that would be selfish. . .
Cause I do not contribute to society
And what are my dreams worth if they only benefit me?
I just really want to travel to planet Venus
Channeling my femininity is in what I find sweetness
Who knows, maybe I would even bring my girls
But even humans would find a way to destroy the planet of love
Even earth has not much earth left to stay much longer alive
Stomping through the ashes left with battles to survive
Oh what once was survival of the fittest
Turned to survival of the richest
So how can it be selfish to escape?
To not want war?
To stay away from any creature causing me harm?
But sadly, I will never be able to escape this dreadful human dependency.
So I am screaming at the universe
Turning to spirituality and horoscopes to discover my purpose
Hoping that one day they can explain to me
Why I am burdened with this curse
Why my Achilles’ heel seems to be
My whole body and brain
And why my tears
-strong enough to drown me in pain-
are not strong enough to carry me away.
Β© Sina Hinrichs 2022-07-01