To my sister and mother


by Ocean


Pure, innocent and caring

The darker it gets around her

The brighter she shines

Blinding the demons by your side.

Able to paint those black walls of yours

In pink and green

Almost drowning you

In confidence and appreciation,

In the light of love and affection.


You believe in karma

And always follow your heart

Now we have all this drama

And live so far apart.

You are so kind and pure

Full of passion and love

Deserving of a cure

For the sickness to get rid of.

I don’t allow you to die

I didn’t even allow myself to cry.


My mother and my sister are the people closest to me. Not only do we look alike, we share most of our personality traits. My sister is one of the people I tell everything, and she guided me through alot of good and alot of bad times. She held our family together when my mom got sick, and I will forever be thankful to her.

My mother is the purest person I know. She always sees the best in everything and everyone. She shows me a different perspective on life, people and problems.

© Ocean 2023-08-06
