To that one girl


by Ocean


A sore body

A tired mind

I am still learning how hearts work.

The way you are,

So soft and kind

Truly gorgeous.

It’s the habit of my heart,

Swimming in emotions

Because of the way your eyes tilt

When you laugh.

An ocean of kindness

Held back by a dam of anxiety.

True beauty

Hidden by a mask of insecurity.

But time will tear down these walls

And show all the miracles

She has to offer.

Trying so hard

To prove she is worthy of being loved,

But she forgot to love herself first.


One of the most intelligent, most gorgeous and funniest individuals I have ever had the pleasure to get to know. We met first in 5th grade, and we wore the same red converse. It took me some time but on the 26th of July 2017 I got my first kiss from her. She was proving that gentle hands too, can leave a mark on a person.

© Ocean 2023-08-06

Emotional, Inspiring