
Parnian Dehesht

by Parnian Dehesht


I was a teenager when I came to believe that everything is related to everything.

As a matter of fact, I had planned to win a Nobel Prize by proving that to the world. That would then be the 4th principle of Thermodynamics: “Everything is related to everything. You can understand humans by looking at the molecules, and you can understand the molecules by doing the math.”

If I had proven my point then, I wouldn’t have to explain to the world why I am not sticking to a single profession. I just want to know it all. I want to be an astronaut, a prophet, a poet, and an addict. They all see the world in some unique way and I, my friends, have not overcome my omnipotent phase of infancy, as you can see.

Asking me, this almost thirty-year-old woman, what she wants to specialize in, feels like asking an embryo what it’s going to create. A hand? A heart? Two hearts? A spleen?

The embryo is carrying this tremendous pressure to be it all – all alone.

Then comes the moment of birth. The embryo ripens and falls from the tree. It beats, it breathes, it becomes. Only to realize that she is the helpless third wheel of some wobbly triangle.

Triangles, oh triangles. How they have always fascinated me – mathematically, chemically, and psychologically.

These symbols of sturdiness and yet, these bearers of change;

These masters of creation and destruction;

These little strangers that walk into your coupled life, suck the freedom out of it, and turn it into something beautiful;

These scatterers of attention, holders of “just friends”, these entitled gods that disturb the perfect bliss of Adam and Eve on a pleasant outdoor walk. Oh, and these committed pigeons that fly thousands of miles just to sit on your shoulder and whisper in your ear: you are not enough.

That’s why when my best friend decided to text someone else to hang out with on a pleasant Sunday afternoon, the first person that came into my mind was Phythagoras.

That bastard knew what he was talking about.

Triangles it is.

Everything that is and everything that becomes.

Who am I to form a complaint about that?

© Parnian Dehesht 2024-08-03
