Trust Fund Girls

Kilian Kukelka

by Kilian Kukelka


Now it should be mentioned that a girl was quite picky about where she chose to spend her time at. Merely purveying caffeinated drinks and delicious pastries didn’t quite cut it to make her stay worthwhile. Especially the big and established coffee chains of the world often failed to appeal to her standards. In such cases, it wasn’t so much the quality of goods and services that she was bothered by, but rather the kinds of people these establishments tended to attract.

Take, for instance, the McCliffton’s on 8th Street. Sandwiched between two of the most prestigious charter schools in town, the place had practically become a hotbed for trust fund babies seeking their daily fix of overpriced almond milk. The most dreadful thing about going there was having to wait in line while watching these brats spend an eternity deciding on what kind of snack to treat themselves with, only to be besieged by guilt and self-doubt after taking a single bite into their blueberry cupcake. If only they realized that the sugar-induced sludge they kept slurping on had more calories than your average-sized cheeseburger.

On a positive note, if one wanted to prove themselves in the sub-genre of young adult romance, like the novel Juliet had been tinkering on for the past couple of months, there was no better place to gather ideas from than the source of all evil itself. Hence, making the occasional trip there to observe these creatures in their natural habitat, listening to their naive takes on life, relationships and current affairs, proved to be surprisingly effective in bringing a sense of authenticity to her writing.

There was this one clique in particular that she would encounter frequently throughout her visits. So much so, that Juliet began to grow a liking for the group and even became somewhat invested in their relentless, soap-opera-like gossip. The most vicious of the bunch was that short-haired brunette — the one who’d always wear those fancy-looking Alice bands she made sure perfectly matched her outfits. And whenever the tall blonde wasn’t around, Mrs. Fashionista over here took the chance and started to stir up the most vile rumors about her supposed bestie. Presumably her way of responding to the rumors of Blondie having a liaison with her cousin who rowed crew at Stanton — you’d have to know that dating a friend’s relative without first getting their blessings was considered “a total no-no” in their circle. Watching their little intrigues unfold in real time was an oddly captivating experience. Certainly more entertaining than any of the tv dramas she had been binging on recently. 

So better watch out, Hollywood!


© Kilian Kukelka 2023-09-01

Novels & Stories, Humor & Satire
Unbeschwert, Reflektierend, Lighthearted